Following the same format as my artist name questionnaire, I have created a similar questionnaire asking my target audience their favorite name for my indie pop album, featuring my music video song 'Regret'.
The most popular name voted by my target was 'Altered Visions' scoring four votes. Taken directly from my feedback people said that Altered Visions 'related the most to the single 'Regret'' as it is like 'looking back at what they have done' also that it was 'eye-catching', 'interesting' and 'catchy'. This was also my personal favorite album name as represents my idea for the front cover of my digipak; layering several similar but different photos of my actress over one another. This would create a cycle of movement which would add to the altered effect with different perspectives of my actress creating a series of visions. The second most popular names were 'Distant Past' and 'Maybe Tomorrow' which my feedback said also confirmed to the genres and connoted similar emotions of 'sorrow'. I took inspiration from other indie songs from Everything Everything most recent album and similar feelings that came to mind when I thought of regrets such as uncertainty about the future due to the disruptions caused in the past. 'In the Presence of Nothing' received no votes, possibly due to the dullness and length of the name making it not catchy and therefore not memorable or unique.
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